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Dr. Caroline Ramsey Musselwhite

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Marvelous Mac: 1 Minute Mirroring!!

 What & Why.  It is often helpful to mirror the screen of your tablet (for me, and iPad) unto your Macintosh computer.  Maybe you want to model using an AAC system that matches that of one of your students.  Maybe you want to show how to build words using the Word Wizard app.  I find multiple uses for this trick almost every session!!

Yes, you can do this through a mirroring app, but that puts demands on wifi signal.  And yes, you can use a document camera, but that often results in glare, or a less-than-stellar image.  This solution has been highly effective – and efficient – for me.  (Note:  This may be possible for other computers, but I have only done it on a Mac).  This is helpful for:

• Classrooms projecting the teacher's computer, using an interactive whiteboard, or just a projector.

• Distance learning sessions.

• In-home sessions, mirroring to an Apple TV.

Needed Tools.

Quick Time Player software.  Download it here.

Cable to connect your tablet to your Macintosh.

Note:  I had to use an adaptor as my cable is USB and my computer requires USB-C

How To Do It.

Plug your iPad into your computer, and turn it on.

1) Open QuickTime Player on your computer.

2) Under File choose 'New Movie Recording

3) Move your mouse to open the toolbar  

4) Click the small down arrow   

5) Click both times you see the name of your iPad   

(Mine is labeled Caroline 3).  The 1st selects the camera for your iPad, and the second allows you to use the audio from your iPad, when you do something that is active.

6) Turn the volume up on on the toolbar, so that your iPad sound can be heard.  (Note the blue bar, showing that it is on maximum.  

Now your iPad screen appears over top of whatever was open on your computer.  You can enlarge it on your computer to avoid distractons!

NOTE:  I usually move the 'floating toolbar' from QuickTime player to the top, as shown on the picture on the right.

Moving From Computer Screen to iPad Screen:  Sometimes you want to go back and forth.  Simply use the Command-Tab keys.  It will show icons of all currently open applications s on your computer.  So, I wanted to go to PowerPoint to show that the word we built using Word Wizard was a real word.    When you want to show the iPad screen, simply click on the Quick Time Player image.

THANKS to Mark Surabian for teaching me this tip!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Multi-Modal Communication . . . It's Everywhere!

 Where and Why.  The idea for this post came from the pool.  

That's right, the pool!  I've been taking Aqua Zumba and Aqua Exercise classes.

Pools are LOUD!  And the music is LOUD!  The instructors can't rely on their voices to give instructions.

The more effective instructors are masters of multi-modal communication.  

How Do They Do That?  They use many components, including: 

Broad Gestures.  They point to a body part that will be involved in the next activity, such as slapping their right thigh two times to indicate: "Use your right leg."  They tap their abdomen, to indicate:  'Use deep breathing.'

Smaller Gestures.  Effective instructors also use smaller gestures, such as holding up 3 fingers, then 2, then one to count down to the start of the next exercise.  They also point to the specific muscle we are targeting.  

Facial Expressions.  They show their enthusiasm for the group with huge smiles, encouraging the participants to try harder.  They also use a head tilt along with the expression 'seriously?' if we aren't participating fully.

Vocalizations.  Many instructors weave vocalizations such as 'Woo!' or "Ole' into their routines to keep swimmers engaged and involved.  

All of these non-verbal supports are both effective and efficient.  Watching them made me realize that we need to do a better job helping individuals who use AAC develop their own multi-modal communication skills.  

Let's do this!!

So . . . There's a Tip for This!


Tip # 10, 2022

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Poems for 2 Voices

 WHAT:  Poems for 2 voices are meant to be read aloud.  Or listened to.  Or performed.  Paul Fleischman made this genre popular, with his book / audio version of I Am Phoenix.  

WHY:  Two voice poems are wonderful for supporting students in learning to compare and contrast.   Students can:
• Pick two characters from a book, two objects that have some features in common and some different, etc.

WHO:  These poems are fantastic for:
Students who are exploring their AAC systems.  

 HOW:  Show students samples of poems for 2 voices.  Discuss them.  Create a collaborative two voice poem.  

For example, we were studying Oceania, focusing on Samoa and American Samoa.  One topic of study was Polynesian tattoos.  We watched several videos, and looked at tattoo images.

Then we looked at several poems for 2 voices, including the one shown below.  It was the first 'deep' poem written by a 7th grade student who was an early conventional student in a self-contained classroom.  She had worked hard to brainstorm 'spark'e words' that could help her compare and contrast concepts about tattoos.  She was especially excited when she came up with the word 'sick' which represents 'extremely cool' and 'might make you sick.' We discussed this with the students.  

Next we brainstormed a list of words that our students wanted to use regarding Polynesian tattoos.  

Finally, they decided whether the words / phrases should go into the positive column (green), the negative column (orange), or represented both (pink).

Notes about a few word choices:
• Some choices , such as the positive expressions (legit / cool) and the negative observations (nasty / bloodiest) are very clear.  Others might be more obscure without background information
• ''thrown on expressively' - They had talked about the spiritual elements behind the tattoos
• 'tired' – one video of a Samoan wrestler talked about how long it too (17 hours) for one tattoo session, broken into two days
• 'feel' represented the spiritual aspect (evokes feelings in the person and those who view them) and the physical component (feels painful).