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Dr. Caroline Ramsey Musselwhite

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

100 Animated Step by Steps (by Dr. Carol Goossens)

It’s official …. There are now 100 different Animated Step-by-Step titles available for purchase in the Bloom Where You're Planted Store on the Teachers Pay Teachers site!!

WHAT:  Animated Step-by-Steps are designed to address literacy, language and AAC across a broad range of classroom activities: food preparation, arts & crafts, songs, poems, science projects, and stories. Available in three formats: Regular (no symbols), SymbolStix (n2y) and Picture Communication Symbols (Mayer-Johnson/Dynavox).



Use this link to purchase titles, individually or in small theme-related bundles  http://teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Bloom 

 Use this link to learn more about these great animated activities!  http://animatedstepbysteps.blogspot.com

WHO:  These animated step-by-steps are the creation of Dr. Carol Goossens, who is an internationally recognized expert in the areas of AAC and early childhood education.  Dr. Goossens is also a gifted artist, as is evident in the graphics on each set.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

AAC in the Desert 2017 - Hold the Date!!

WHEN:  February 22 - 24, 2017

WHERE:  Nina Pulliam Conference Center, Disability360 Center, Phoenix, AZ

HOW:  Key speakers are Dr. Caroline Musselwhite and Dr. Gretchen Hanser

Sessions will include:
                       • Emergent Writing & Alternative Pencils
            • Phonemic Awareness & Alphabet Instruction
            • Shared Reading & Self Selected Reading
            • Finding, Adapting and Writing Books
            • Social Scripts & Communication Circles
            • Informal Assessments & IEP Goals
            • Vendor hall and social event on Wednesday afternoon

AAC and apps will be woven throughout all sessions.  Through lectures, demonstrations, videos, hands on opportunities, and group brainstorming, participants will leave with a long list of things to try Monday morning!
MORE INFO:  Contact Caroline:  carolinemusselwhite1@me.com 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Balanced Literacy Club: Emergent Literacy for Students with Disabilities - FREE! San Francisco, April 26, 2016

WHAT:  Sponsored by Support for Families of Children with Disabilities
 The prospect of teaching students ages birth to ten with significant disabilities to read and write can seem overwhelming. All students can learn and this workshop will cover shared reading (developing a love of reading, and supporting language through reading), emergent writing (beginning to write with symbols, words, and the alphabet), self-selected story listening (listening to a range of engaging, age-respectful books), and an introduction to phonics (developing letter-sound connections) and phonemic awareness (understanding spoken language at the word, syllable, and letter level).

WHERE:  San Francisco
1663 Mission Street
Suite 700
San Francisco, CA 94103

WHO:  This workshop is for families and professionals of students with moderate to significant disabilities.
Presenter:  Dr. Caroline Ramsey Musselwhite

HOW MUCH:  This workshop is FREE and includes a light lunch!!  If you sign up at least one week in advance, they also offer free childcare and accommodation services!!

Download Flyer Below:
SFO Balanced Lit Flyer 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Text Comprehension Supports - Resource Links from Dynamic Learning Maps

I just finished a webinar on teaching text comprehension for students with disabilities.

Below are some of the Dynamic Learning Maps resources that I mentioned.  These links should make it very easy to find the resources.

What:  This document presents side by side CCSS and DLM Essential Elements for all grade levels for:  Reading (Literature, Informational Text, & Foundational Skills), Writing, Speaking and Listening and Language.
A sample is shown below:

DLM Essential Elements Link

What:  This webinar is available as a self-directed module, which is great for individual teachers, therapists, or parents, and is eligible for a continuing education certificate.  You can also download all materials (video, powerpoint, agenda, script, activities) to facilitate a training on this topic, which is ideal for people in a Trainer-of-Trainers position.

Generating Purposes Self-Directed Online Webinar


What:  his webinar is available as a self-directed module, which is great for individual teachers, therapists, or parents, and is eligible for a continuing education certificate.  You can also download all materials (video, powerpoint, agenda, script, activities) to facilitate a training on this topic, which is ideal for people in a Trainer-of-Trainers position.

Anchor-Read-Apply Self-Directed Webinar

Anchor-Read-Apply Facilitated Module

Sunday, March 6, 2016

What's To Read FREE Workshop - Chico, CA, April 27, 2016

WHAT:  What's to Read?  Locating, Analyzing, and Adapting Appropriate Literacy Materials for Emergent Readers

WHERE:  Chico, CA
Neighborhood Church
Fellowship Hall
2801 Notre Dame
Blvd. Chico, Ca 95928

WHEN:  Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 8 am - 4 pm
Bring your own lunch!!

WHO:  Speaker:  Dr. Caroline Ramsey Musselwhite
This workshop is targeted for teachers, therapists, and family members of students with significant disabilities.  We will talk about strategies for working students who are emergent readers of any age.  We will be engaging in hands on activities, including using apps to quickly create accessible literacy materials.

HOW MUCH:  This workshop is FREE!!

 Download the flyer below:
What's To Read Flyer


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Emergent Literacy Workshops - Portland, OR, April 12 & 13, 2016

Where:  Clackamus ESD, Clackamus, OR

When:  Tuesday, April 12 & Wednesday, April 13, 8:30 - 3:30

Who:  The presenter is Dr. Caroline Ramsey Musselwhite
This workshop is open to  public school educators.

What:  The prospect of teaching students with significant disabilities to begin to read with comprehension and begin to write generatively can seem overwhelming. On day one, Dr. Musselwhite will review literacy instruction for pre-K and early elementary students with an emphasis on assessment, shared reading, emergent writing, self-selected story listening, alphabet interaction and phonemic awareness. On day two, Dr. Musselwhite will focus on a similar set of topics with an emphasis upon upper elementary through high school students. Throughout both presentations, participants will see student samples, videos, and creative use of apps.

Download Flyer Here:
Portland Flyer