Please share this blog with your friends and neighbors!!
Dr. Caroline Ramsey Musselwhite

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Animals ABC Book - CVI Supports by Gretchen!

WHAT:  This book was originally posted in Tarheel Reader.  Gretchen downloaded it and made changes to support students with CVI.  We are sharing it so everyone can enjoy it!

WHO:  The book was written by Jessica Mattison and posted at Tarheel Reader:
- www.tarheelreader.org

It was modified by Dr. Gretchen Hanser.

HOW:  Gretchen made the following changes to support students with CVI:
1) Added a black background to each slide so that the pictures would 'pop'
2) Added a yellow background to each text box, so that the words would also 'pop'
3) Made the font larger, bolder, and added 3 spaces between each word to support print tracking
4) Added a bold transition so that students will definitely notice page turning (note:  it is called 'Box' in the current version of Powerpoint)
5) Added a sound effect for each animal (resources listed on cover page)

NOTE:  You might need to 'tweak' this further to match the needs of your students, but this is a great place to start!!

WHERE:  Get the revised and CVI-friendly version of ABC Animals using the click below:
ABC Animals CVI-Friendly Book

Friday, October 20, 2017

Independent Self Selected Reading for iPad Switch Users

WHAT:  Closing the Gap Handout

WHO:  Laurel Buell, Gretchen Hanser, Caroline Musselwhite, Deanna Wagner

Independent Self Selected Switch 

Where Oh Where are the Books for Students with Cortical Vision Impairment?

Where Oh Where are the Books for Students with Cortical Vision Impairment?

Closing the Gap, Bloomington, Minnesota, October 20, 2017

Gretchen Hanser PhD, gretchen@gretchenhanser.com
Caroline Musselwhite EdD, www.aacintervention.com
Deanna K Wagner MS, CCC-SLP, deannawagner@mac.com

Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Power of Music For Students Who Use AAC

WHAT:  The Power of Music for Students Who Use AAC:  High Tech & Light Tech - a Closing the Gap 2017 presentation

WHO:  This workshop was presented by Snoopi Botten & Caroline Musselwhite

The Flame of Hope

WHERE:  Get the handout by clicking on the link below:
Power of Music CTG 17 Handout

Thursday, October 5, 2017

AAC AWARENESS WEEK - Communication Bill of Rights

October is AAC Awareness month - the perfect time to share . . . and implement  the Communication Bill of Rights!

WHO:  National Joint Committee for the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities (NJC)  Member Organizations of the NJC
• The Committee consists of members from the following organizations:
• American Association on INtellectual and Developmental Disabilities
• American Occupational Therapy Association
• American Physical Therapy Association
• American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
• Association of Assistive Technology Art Programs
• Council for Exceptional Children Division for Communicative Disabilities and Deafness
• United States Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication

WHAT:  This joint statement shares 15 fundamental communication rights

WHERE:  Link to the National Joint Committee 

Link to a downloadable version of the Bill of Rights:
Communication Bill of Rights

HOW:  Please truly read this document.  Choose at least one item to highlight each week during AAC Awareness Month.  Let's light up social media with ideas of truly living this bill of rights!