For students with autism and related
disorders, reading instruction must include both word study and a strong focus
on reading comprehension. Day 1 will
cover: assessment ideas and specific
strategies to support for all components of balanced literacy including:
• Shared Reading, helping students build language and enjoy reading;
• Guided Reading, using the Anchor / Read / Apply approach;
• Self-Selected Reading, helping students find and access
age-respectful, engaging materials;
• Word Study, from phonological awareness to interactive phonics;
The day will include tips for getting EVERYONE onboard and excited about
pushing for quality, research-based literacy instruction. For each area, you
will see several apps and how to use those apps interactively.
WHERE: Nova Southeastern University
NSU Health Professions Division
Morris Auditorium
3200 S. University Drive
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314
NSU Health Professions Division
Morris Auditorium
3200 S. University Drive
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: SLPs, OTs, PTs, Educators, and Family Members
HOW TO REGISTER: Download the flyer (link below) and follow the directions!