SWITCH – Making Change!!
I've been thinking about change alot. I first read this book more than 10 years ago. I remember reading it on a plane – one of those rare times when I was upgraded to first class. I kept annoying the businessman beside me as I laughed out loud . . . more than once!
Then I was reading it on a subway, on the way to give a talk at Columbia Teacher's College in NYC . . . I was so engrossed that I looked up and realized that the train had stopped at the end of the line, and everyone else had gotten off. I was so engrossed that I didn't notice.
I point out those stories because:
a) I'm not a big reader of nonfiction, since I have to read so much for work
b) This book is incredibly readable!
And, this book has changed the ways I teach, coach, and present. For example, when presenting I try hard to:
• Reach the 'Rider.' The rider refers to our analytic brain. The rider needs specifics. Step by step. So I've done a zillion 'tips' posted at my website – www.aacintervention.com – that are very specific and step-by-step.
• Readh the 'Elephant'. The elephant refers to our emotions - if we don't get the elephant on board with change, good luck! Because the elephant is BIG and goes wherever he wants! We can reach the elephant by telling stories and showing videos that really show change (or the lack of change!)
• Smoothing the Path. I hadn't really thought about the importance of smoothing the path until I read this book. We NEED to have our path smoothed because we are so overwhelmed. One example for me is to set up a 'dropbox' or google drive with materials following a presentation, so people don't have to search for my zillion tips, but can find them in folders that make sense. A coaching example is that I'm going to four new classrooms tomorrow. Each teacher will get a goodie bag with materials that I'll be suggesting and have found helpful.
So if you want to read SWITCH, you can probably get it cheap as a used book. Here's the Amazon link: