
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Paper-Based AAC FlipBooks: When, How, Why do they matter?
Proposal for
Closing the Gap 35th Annual conference - October 18-20, 2017
Deanna K. Wagner, MS/CCC-SLP
Caroline Musselwhite, PhD
Gretchen Hanser, PhD

Learning outcomes:  As a result of this session, participants will be able to:
1.     Identify ways in which AAC devices, well-organized paper-based symbol systems, and thoughtful implementation techniques can work together to improve communication skills.
2.     Discuss successful strategies and materials for design of functional paper-based support systems.
3.     Describe specific examples of when/where paper-based symbol flip books are superior to high tech options.
4.     Discuss issues regarding vocabulary development, language acquisition, and/or literacy as they relate to multi-modal symbol supports.

SUMMARY (100 Words):
In our efforts to offer access to robust dynamic screen vocabularies, sometimes we forget to slow down and offer explicit feedback for page-changing.  Parallel use of a printed FlipBook shows what item to select BEFORE the page changes.  Talk about what the symbols mean and predict what items are linked to a symbol on his/her high tech system.  Use paper displays with multiple partners, in the pool, with a flashlight.  Simulating Hide/Show, VocabularyBuilder, and Progressive Language, paper-based examples will be shown for focused instruction of specific target vocabulary.   We will share resources for downloading pre-made displays and making them indestructible. 

ABSTRACT (300-500 Words):

This session will share our strategies and stories about using paper-based displays in parallel with high tech systems.  We are definitely not proposing that this would be a pre-cursor to high tech systems, but a strategy to supplement learning.

Paper-Based AAC FlipBooks – What are they? Why do they matter?
There are a number of resources for printed displays that are available for purchase or download.  Page-turning options that flip up or down are often a part of these systems.  We will share a number of examples that use various symbol sets.  We have found that using paper-based displays helps slow down the process of selecting a message and provides the communication partner with additional time to talk about what the symbol may represent and clarify the intent of the message.

When to use them?
Use paper-based displays at the pool, in brightly lit rooms, and in darker rooms with a flashlight.  Use them when the high tech device is low on battery, or when the user doesn’t want to share his/her high tech device for aided language input.  Use with overlays and cut-outs for target with complete access to the full vocabulary when needed – faster than using hide/show in TouchChat and much like turning on/off Vocabulary Builder, Exploring vocabulary in Proloquo2Go when Progressive Language is turned on, and Babbling with SpeakForYourself.

How to find them and make them indestructible.
  1. Look on Amazon for paper that is weatherproof, waterproof and/or tear-proof (e.g., TerraSlate, Rite in the Rain, Xerox Waterproof Multipurpose Paper). You may need to use a laser printer.
  2. Look on-line for paper-based displays that use Mayer-Johnson PCS, SymbolStix and Pixon images.  Here are some examples:

· - LAMP WFL and Unity
· - Universal Core Displays (These are not flip books, just core)
Pixon Project Kit
· - NOVA Chat and TouchChat (PCS and SS options)
Speak For Yourself (with category indexes, make your own flip book from device screen shots)
o   AAC-Communication-Flip-Book-and-Boards-2431089 by Super Power Speech
o   Motivate, Model, Move Out of the Way: How to implement AAC by Kate Ahern
o   AAC Picture Communication Book with Core and Fringe Vocabulary by Susan Berkowitz
o   AAC Flip Communication Book BUNDLE by RosieBeeSLP
o   AAC Communication Book by Speech Me Maybe
o   Core Vocabulary Binder Ring - Core Board Binder Ring AAC by Mrs Ds Corner
o   Low-Tech, Core Vocabulary Based, AAC Flip Boards by Speechy Musings


Ahern, Kate.
·       This PowerPoint slideshow, aimed at parents and caregivers, explains why and how aided language works in the home.
Enders, Lauren.  Moving beyond a Common roadblock to Successful AAC Implementation. June/July, 2016 edition of Closing The Gap Solutions
Farrel, Jane.
·       Why We Do Aided Language Stimulation - And You Should Too! - This guest blog, written by Mary-Louise Bertram, clearly explains why modeling is so important for those beginning to use AAC.  
Hatch, Geist, Erickson, Greer, & Erwin-Davidson.  ATIA, 2017. Using Core Vocabulary in Emergent Literacy Instructional Routines. Professional Development Modules
Mirenda, P. (2008). "A back door approach to autism and AAC." Augmentative and Alternative Communication. 24, 219-233.
Zangari, Carol
·       PrAACtical Resources: Video Examples of Aided Language Input - A collection of videos including therapists, educators, and families using Aided Language Input

·       PrAACtical AAC: Why We Love Aided Language Input - This article links to 4 research articles demonstrating the benefits of Aided Language Input.


Please let us know where you look for other resources on aided language input and communication displays (for download or purchase).

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