
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Balanced Literacy Club FREE Overview Workshop: September 22, 2016, Phoenix, AZ

The prospect of teaching students with significant disabilities to read with comprehension and write generatively may seem daunting. This presentation will review a Balanced Literacy Club approach, working as a team to support all teachers, therapists, and aides.  This project included:  a full-day presentation, short monthly presentations including make-it projects, in-class modeling and coaching, and team celebration of successes.  So far, the clubs have spanned a dozen school districts and 100 + classrooms, and include a range of students include a range of students (with cognitive impairments, autism spectrum disorders, physical impairments, and using AAC devices).  We will share:  assessment ideas, videos, data, specific strategies for all parts of balanced literacy (word study, guided reading, writing, and self-selected reading), and tips for getting EVERYONE onboard and excited about pushing for quality, research-based literacy instruction. For each area, you will see several apps and how to use those apps interactively.

WHERE:  Southwest Human Development
2850 N 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ  85340. 

WHO:  Presenters include:
Dr. Caroline Ramsey Musselwhite
Deanna K. Wagner

HOW:  This workshop if FREE but you must preregister as space is limited. 
Fill out the form below.

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