
Friday, December 22, 2023

Shared Reading Book List!!

 What:  Dr. David Koppenhaver is one of the authors of the book, Comprehensive Literacy for
all.  His list of recommended shared reading books is perfect for emergent readers of all ages!

Where:  The blogpost can be found at the Building Wings website.  Here's a direct link:

Shared Reading Book Recs

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Million Word Gap

What Is It?  The million word gap describes the gap in words that children have heard if they missed that early home reading experience.  It's very powerful information for parents of children of all ages, because it's never too late to read aloud!  It's also helpful information for teachers, paras, SLPs, etc.  

Where Can You Find It?  You can download the tip that summarizes this information PLUS a sample letter that you can share with parents.  What a great way to start out 2024, by encouraging more reading!!

Downoad this tip here:

Million Word Gap

Friday, December 15, 2023

Awe and Wonder Podcast Series


Awe and Wonder Podcast Series 3: AT & AAC – Literacy

What?  This podcast series is developed by Brenda Del Robertson Monte and Sarah Kinsella.  They produce podcasts from amazing presenters available to listen or watch on YouTube.  Brenda and Sarah are skilled interviewers and have access to amazing presenters.  They are all fantastic, but Krista Howard's podcast explaining how she could have been better supportive as a student from elementary through high school is especially powerful.

Where?  Here's a link for the entire series:

Awe and Wonder Literacy Series

Thursday, December 14, 2023

List This!!!

 List This!!!

How often do you make a list?

- Every week?

- Every day?

And what do you DO with that list?

Check out this tip about making lists WITH your students.  The tip also suggests ways to support students in composing lists, and reminds us that those lists need to be USED in order to feel meaningful!!

Where to Find the Tip?

Go to AAC Intervention and look for Tip # 6, 2021.

Here's a direct link:

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Customize Your Comments Book

 Customize Your Comments - The Book!

What?  This is a fun book that was a collaboration by me and Krista Howard.  Krista uses an AAC device and is a model, mentor, presenter, and author.  This book gives ideas of why people who use AAC should customize their comments, and also shows examples of positive both positive and negative comments.

Where?  Find this free book at Tarheel Reader.  Here's the direct link:

Why?  As you will see in the book, Krista has many ideas about why customizing comments is important.  

How?  Use this book to:

• Share with people who are on their journey of learning about AAC (teachers, paras, speech-language pathologists, SLPAs), and may not have realized the importance of customizing comments. 

• Share with families, so they can support their children in picking words to customize aking comments

• Read the book with people who use AAC and work with them (and hopefully their peers) to choose comments that will reflect their personalities!

Friday, December 8, 2023

Devices and Pianos!

 Devices and Pianos - What's the Connection?

So, the ink is definitely dry on this quote!

But how often to we see people succumbing to 'The Myth of the Box' – the idea that once a learner gets an AAC system, they should learn to use it easily, with minimal instruction.

Quotes such as this one can help us really think about:

• How long it takes to become a 'musician' (Time)

• The strategies and training needed to be successful (Training)

• The practice of all of the components, including the keyboard, pedals, etc. (Tools)

Call To Action:  How will YOU use this quote? Here are a few ideas - please share more!

- Share it on your social media, to spread the word

- Make a poster for the wall

- Print this on the tote bag that carries the communication device / light tech system

- Show it at a professional development session