
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Students with Significant Support Needs and Literacy Development

Guest Article by Amanda Bock, PhD., and Karen Erickson, PhD

Speak Out Newsletter, Spring, 2014

The link below connects to an article that shares major principles to support literacy engagement, opportunities, and instruction.

Students with SSN and Literacy Dev Link

Monday, May 12, 2014


RPM-GO:  Rehearse, Practice, Model - GO!  

Building in Generalization for People Who Use AAC

I just did a webinar for IEP Therapy Services and Kokomo Public Schools, Kokomo, Indiana.

This link will remain active for one month.


The accompanying handout is attached below:

RPM-GO Handout

Text-to-Speech AAC Apps Comparison Chart

Comparison Chart:  TTS AAC Apps

This feature match comparison chart of Text-to-Speech  is a share from  Communication Assistance for Youth and Adults (CAYA).

Thank you Rebecca Therriault, SLP of the ACP for addressing the frequently asked question "Is there a resource to compare text-to-speech apps" by creating this table comparing some of the popular text to speech apps. REMEMBER, updates happen frequently so note 'as of February 13, 2014" at the top!

Bolded items are to highlight particularly unique features/considerations.
Click below to download the 1-page comparison chart.

#AAC #SLPeeps #TTS #apps #Assitivetech #augcom #apps #speechpathology